Tham khảo Lenticular_Reentry_Vehicle

  1. Popular Mechanics, November 2000 "America's Nuclear Flying Saucer" Retrieved ngày 23 tháng 6 năm 2010
  2. 1 2 Oberto, R. J. (1962, October). Environmental control systems selection for manned space vehicles. Volume II, Appendix I, missions, vehicles, equipment. (AD333266).
  3. Parsch, A. (2003-2005). Pye Wacket Lưu trữ 2016-05-11 tại Wayback Machine
  4. Hilton, W. F. (1958, April). Flying saucers: Are they best for space flight? Aircraft and Missiles Manufacturing, pp. 50, 51, 82.
  5. Anderson, A. (1960, March). Force tests of lenticular configurations at supersonic speeds. (AD0315671).
  6. Blanchard, U. J. (1961, September). Landing characteristics of a lenticular-shaped re-entry vehicle. (AD263072)
  7. Maccabee, B. (1997). Acceleration. Lưu trữ 2006-12-11 tại Wayback Machine
  8. Industry Observer. // Aviation Week & Space Technology, ngày 3 tháng 6 năm 1963, v. 78, no. 22, p. 19.